“What can I tell you about the PRC?” Patrick Jenevein asks at the beginning of the book?
As one who did business for over twenty years with the government of the PRC and the Communist Party of China (CPC) building companies in China that created jobs by bringing life-improving electricity to people; spent countless days in the cities, hinterlands, offices, and homes of the only nation that comes close to competing with the United States diplomatically, economically, militarily, and technologically; experienced personal and professional victories and defeats; briefed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on what was happening on the ground there with business practices, electrical needs, energy supply issues, and more in the late 1990s and early 2000s; currently works with the US government as well as multinational corporations; and celebrated relationships with my Chinese partners but dared to take them on when it crossed lines both moral and legal, the answer is: I can tell you a lot.
Publication Date: October 1, 2024
Publisher: Christmas Lake Press
ISBN: 978-1-960865-22-9| $35.00 US | 348 pages
ISBN: 978-1-960865-24-3 | $22.95 US
Formats: Hardcover | Paperback | eBook – $9.99
Categories: International Diplomacy, Asian Politics, International Business & Investing, US & China, Government
AMAZON: #1 New Release in
Arbitration, Negotiation & Mediation

Cautionary Tales of the New China
from an Old China Hand
By Patrick Jenevein in conversation with
New York Times bestselling author Steve Fiffer
Foreword by William J. Haynes II
former General Counsel of the Department of Defense and Admiral (Ret.)
Patrick M. Walsh, 59th Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet
Vice Chairman of Naval Operations