The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is threatening to place Calvin Klein’s owner, PVH, on the PRC’s “unreliable entities list.”  The PRC accuses Calvin Klein of “discrimination against products” made in Xinjiang, the western most territory that the PRC controls (Beijing Threatens to Block Calvin Klein Owner’s Access to China – WSJ).

Note the PRC’s abuse of US wording – “unreliable entities list” and “discrimination against products.”  The phrases “entities list” and “discrimination against” seek to tap into the inherent legitimacy of governments that use laws to protect all people rather than to protect only a few people in powerful positions.

The United States keeps entities lists of companies that violate US laws, including those tied to the People’s Liberation Army, and works hard to eliminate discrimination against people, not against products.  The PRC distorts that wording to misappropriate and project an unwarranted appearance of legitimacy.

Contrast the PRC’s phrasing contortions with PVH’s companies “seeking to exclude forced labor from their supply chains” (The evolution of forced labour in Xinjiang (  PVH (Calvin Klein’s owner) is trying to honor, respect and protect people.  The PRC is trying to dishonor and disrespect people but protect the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Narratives matter.

US diplomats, as well as media personnel, have the potential to abrade the veneer of legitimacy cloaking the Communist Party, which created and controls the PRC governance structure, to expose the CPC’s true intent.  Our political and news leaders should hound PRC leaders, spokespersons and even its communication gatekeepers with questions about which way is, to use CPC wording, “the correct choice” for governing people.

The CPC puts its products ahead of people, puts its profits ahead of people, puts its power ahead of people – especially the people in the People’s Republic of China.  It’s about right versus wrong, good versus bad.  While we imperfectly implement our choice, our choice is for right and good; it is, even according to communist chiding, correct.